Tag Archives: solar array

Solar Array Models That Rotate

Recently KiwiMill built two solar array models for our client, NEXTracker. First, our client wanted a portable, articulated model to represent a small section of their product – the NX Horizon solar tracker. The model is built almost entirely out of brass with acrylic panels. The panels on this model rotate and demonstrate the wide range of motion of the solar array, showcasing a 120° rotational arc, unlinked rows allowing independent movement, and face to face configuration for cleaning mode.

A second solar array model was commissioned showing just the center section of one pair of panels on the NX Horizon. This  blown up version of the first scale model focuses on the gear box and motor area of our client’s product. The panels tilt on this model as well. The materials used on this model are aluminum, ABS, brass and acrylic.

By building two models of the same product, NEXTracker is able to present different aspects of their design to potential customers, in easy to transport carry cases.

Solar array model

Solar array model

Solar array model

Solar array model

Solar array model

Solar array model

Solar array model

Solar array model

Solar array model

Solar array model